Cajamarca Peru 12oz two-pack
Cajamarca Peru 12oz two-pack
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Cajamarca Peru 12oz two-pack

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Tastes like chocolate chip & raisin cookies and peanut brittle!

Each can is filled with 6oz of whole beans roasted at the Roly-Poly Coffee Co. HQ. By canning only 6oz of beans at a time, your beans stay fresh longer when you get them by the pound. Our cans are made of super-recyclable aluminum, so please recycle them!

Brew recommendations:

This coffee is the backbone of both of the blends that we offer here at Roly-Poly HQ. It's great on an auto-drip machine and a wonderful single origin espresso. 

About the beans:

Process- Washed
Region- Jaen, Cajamarca
Altitude- 1700-1900 masl

The altitude of the Andes combined with rich volcanic soils and tropical rainfall means that Peru has the ideal topography and climate for producing
high quality Arabica coffee. Farmers bring their dry parchment to the warehouse for
quality analysis, some tasting their own coffees for the first time. They receive a cup score and an offer price immediately, which they can accept or
refuse. In 2019 and 2020, on average our supplier paid double the commercial rate for parchment in Jaen. These farmers were selected based on their potential and willingness to produce outstanding